Do you ever see celebrities on the red carpet and wonder, “How in the world do they get such perfect, white teeth?”  Well, we know the first answer to the question: MONEY. But what if the answer could be simpler (and cheaper) than that?

Because cosmetic dentistry has grown in its popularity and accessibility, most people can obtain the smile of their dreams without going bankrupt. It’s likely that what you see on TV or in the magazines is thanks, in part, to a few dental options, starting with veneers. They are typically thin, porcelain shell-like covers that go over the natural tooth and bond to the existing tooth. They can be shaped and colored to the exact liking of an individual, creating a perfect “looking” smile. For top shelf veneers, a set can cost $30,000-50,000; however, due to their increasing popularity, more reasonable options have been created, costing a client $2,000-3,000.

If someone generally has nice natural teeth but one or two that may be discolored, cracked or crooked, a simpler option, like a crown or bridge, can be made to cap over the tooth versus a full set of veneers. It achieves the goal of a flawless smile and protects the compromised tooth. Typically, this work will run an individual $500-1,500 per tooth, which is manageable if there are minimal teeth needing coverage.

Lastly, dental implants can be made to attach to the natural bone, in the event someone may have missing or severely damaged teeth. An implant requires sedation but can be done relatively easily, giving someone the smile they’ve been dreaming of for only a couple thousand dollars.

If a bright white smile is what you want to achieve most, teeth whitening treatments can be done with lasers and lights in an office or more simply, at home, by purchasing a kit online. It’s a simple, pain free, affordable way to improve discoloration and yellowing enamel.

Now, I can’t guarantee that any of these treatments will have you looking like a doppelganger to Taylor Swift or Ryan Reynolds, but it might be worth the conversation with your dentist to weigh your options and see what could be done within your budget. What I can guarantee is that those beautiful, celebrity smiles all started with a visit to the dentist. Think about it.