A lot of people scouring the web searching for a local dentist office are hoping for a short drive. You don’t want to spend 45 minutes bouncing around I-270 trying to find the right exit and then taking backroads into the burbs looking to get your teeth cleaned. That’s why we’re pretty fortunate about where we are located in Columbus. We are easily accessible to the North part of town, which means all you Hilliard folks will be happy.
We’re a hop, skip, and a jump away. Hop on I-270, skip onto 315 S, and jump onto Bethel Road. We’re down the road a little on the right.
How did we end up there, you ask? Well, that’s a good story.
Dr. Timothy Moore went to THE Ohio State University for dentistry. After growing up with a father who was a periodontist, his passion for the dental field expanded over time. He has been practicing dentistry since 1984, and he loves Columbus.
There’s something unexpected Dr. Moore loves nearly as much as dentistry, and it will probably surprise you. To give you a little context, Dr. Moore started doing magic as a kid, and has devoted himself to that pastime when he’s not doing dentistry.
Upon meeting him for the first time at an event with 104.9 the River, one guy confessed, “Magic, that’s cool. But really how legit can this guy be?” He found out soon after watching a magic show – and learning that Dr. Moore is close friends with magician David Blaine, that this guy is for real.
You’re probably wondering what on earth this information has to do with dentistry. There are a couple ties to what Dr. Moore’s work is. 1) He is passionate about excelling at his art form. Whether crafting damaged and decaying teeth into a perfect smile, or producing a flawless magic trick, there’s a level of obsession and perfection that causes him to just plain be good at what he does. 2) Dr. Moore loves caring about people. You’ll get that impression upon your first visit. He loves entertaining and talking to patients and making them feel comfortable.
That’s just a snippet of what you’ll encounter at Dr. Moore’s office. So if you’re from North Columbus and are looking for a dentist nearby, we’d love for you to check us out. Just call us (614-459-5205) or contact us below!