Big Sigh of Relief


Is your anxiety about a dental experience keeping you away from the dentist?  If so, you aren’t alone. Several market research surveys done show that about 60 percent of people said they suffer from some level of dental appointment fear. Perhaps some of those fears can be eased by simply knowing what, exactly, happens during a dental check-up. First things first: when you make your appt, don’t be afraid to ask how long it will take so you can plan accordingly. Maybe you want to make an early appointment so you have less time to worry about it. If [...]

Big Sigh of Relief2019-09-17T09:56:39-05:00

Halitosis (Oh No!)


Halitosis, the technical term for bad breath, is something that plagues many people.  Nobody wants to be labeled as “that person” in the room, but why is it that some folks seem to have worse breath than others?  Here are the top 10 things that can lead to build up and odor producing bacteria in the mouth! Food and Drink(garlic, onions, coffee, alcohol) Medications(these can leave your mouth dry) Tongue Piercings Chronic Dry Mouth Dentures Sinus problems Acid Reflux Tobacco Health Problems(the mouth’s bacteria is connected to gut health) Poor Oral Hygiene—This is the MOST common cause and the MOST preventable too! Fortunately, [...]

Halitosis (Oh No!)2019-07-28T19:31:12-05:00
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