What Soda Does to Your Teeth (Or is it Pop?)


Habits are hard to break.  Some of us look forward to the time of day when we can enjoy a can of pop (or soda, depending on where you live, but that’s a whole other topic for another day). Drinking pop is one of the worst things you can do for your oral health.  One can contains 10 teaspoons of sugar.  If that doesn’t sound like a lot, feel free to get out the sugar jar and scoop out 10 teaspoons for effect. It’s a lot.  The sugar found in soda is the simplest form of carbohydrate, which means [...]

What Soda Does to Your Teeth (Or is it Pop?)2021-04-13T12:54:33-05:00

Gum Disease Linked with Covid-19 Complications


We often say "the mouth is the window to the body." Keeping it healthy is critical, and that couldn't be more true this year. Gum Disease Linked with COVID-19 Complications. According to recent studies, regular teeth brushing and proper oral care plays a big role in fighting COVID-19. A study of more than 500 people showed a correlation with severe COVID-19 reactions. Those with gum disease were 3.5 times more likely to need intensive care, and 4.5 times more likely to need a ventilator. In fact, patients with gum disease were at higher risk for COVID-19-related deaths. So What [...]

Gum Disease Linked with Covid-19 Complications2021-04-13T12:56:13-05:00

Toothbrush Do’s & Don’t’s


What if I told you there’s a “right way” to take care of your toothbrush? Weird? Maybe. Helpful? Definitely. Don’t forget that your toothbrush is used twice daily (hopefully), and its entire purpose is to scrub the bacteria and plaque off of your teeth. While this leaves your mouth clean, it does not leave your toothbrush sanitary. And most of us then store this dirty toothbrush in a bathroom, which also has lingering bacteria in the air.  Grossed out yet? Fortunately, this is simply remedied. First of all, rinse your brush with hot water after each use. If this [...]

Toothbrush Do’s & Don’t’s2021-03-15T13:03:50-05:00

Yes, I Speak Dentist


Have you ever listened to your dentist talk to their assistant (as he or she roots around in your mouth) and wondered what in the world they are saying? Shouldn’t you have some idea of the dental terms they use?  After all, this is YOUR mouth they are talking about. Dental lingo is its own interesting animal but once you understand that the concepts are based on a number system, it’s pretty easy to catch on. First of all, when a dentist is peering in your mouth, they may refer to your upper and lower teeth by numbered [...]

Yes, I Speak Dentist2020-10-01T10:20:48-05:00

Back to Basics | Adult Teeth


Let’s go back to the basics: the anatomy of teeth.  Do you actually know about the complexity of your pearly whites?  Or how the mouth works, exactly?  No? Well, me neither.  So sit back, relax, and prepare to be awestruck through this mini mouth lesson. First of all, your teeth are made up of 4 parts:  enamel (the outside of the tooth and also the hardest tissue in your entire body) dentin (the middle layer of your tooth that resembles what we think of bone) pulp (the soft tissue on the inside of the tooth that nourishes the bone) [...]

Back to Basics | Adult Teeth2020-08-13T11:13:06-05:00

Even Queens Wear “Train Tracks”


Isn’t it funny how most of us “commoners” assume that people of prestige and power somehow bypass certain “rights of passage” or uncomfortable realities of life?  But in reality, even those folks visit the dentist for regular check- ups and deal with painful cavities, root canals and crooked teeth. Famous for her kind smile, sophisticated wave and quiet demeanor, the Queen of England is often reserved, leaving personal information out of the public’s knowledge.  Recently, however, she was visiting a new dental hospital in London and let a little nugget leak out as she interacted with children being fit [...]

Even Queens Wear “Train Tracks”2020-07-14T15:34:24-05:00

The Top Ten Weird Teeth Facts You Probably Didn’t Know


The intricacies of the human body never cease to blow our minds! The mouth is no different.  I mean, who knew that just like fingerprints, teeth have their own unique print, and no two teeth are alike?For those of you “old” enough to remember David Letterman, he had a top ten list on his late night television show centered around a specific topic.  So in much the same way, here is the Tooth Top Ten, sure to make you go hmmm.The hardest part on your ENTIRE body is your tooth enamel.Your mouth produces 25,000 quarts of saliva in a lifetime- [...]

The Top Ten Weird Teeth Facts You Probably Didn’t Know2020-06-16T10:28:56-05:00

Talking to the Dentist with Your Mouth Pried Open


Jimmy Fallon recently asked people to write in with their weirdest dentist stories. Fortunately, for most patients, the weirdest experience is the attempt at conversation in the chair. You know…the one where you try to answer detailed questions while having your mouth in the most awkward, wide open position.             Dentist: “So how are you enjoying your new job?”             Patient: “Aoinfsdklweruo asoidfaso.”             Dentist: “That sounds great.” Here are a few other dentist laughs: “My dentist was in the middle of telling me about the importance of flossing when his dentures fell out and hit me in the [...]

Talking to the Dentist with Your Mouth Pried Open2021-03-15T12:53:29-05:00

Modern Dentistry


With so many current technological advancements happening in the dentistry world, patients will continue to see quicker treatments, shorter visits, and more accurate assessment of oral health concerns.  Even better, these improvements will make dental treatments more affordable and accessible for all potential patients. It seems this rapidly growing field is constantly evolving and reconstructing the way we view oral health. A future with fewer cavities and less painful procedures would be a welcome benefit.  Some specific advances include: diagnosis tools, laser fluorescence, digital imaging, crown or bridge implants with software assistance, digitally assisted surgery… and this is just the [...]

Modern Dentistry2021-03-15T12:53:45-05:00

The Mouth to Brain Connection


Chances are that when most of us brush our teeth, we aren’t thinking about how the daily habit could affect our ability to combat Alzheimer’s disease. Believe it or not, poor oral health can lead to gum disease.  And gum disease can be a risk factor for developing Alzheimer’s. The first phase of gum disease is called gingivitis.  This problem is reversible with good oral care and proper assistance from a dentist.  But if left untreated, pockets of bacteria can form in the mouth and cause further problems. Interestingly, researchers from the University of Central Lancashire have found that [...]

The Mouth to Brain Connection2019-12-11T20:57:46-06:00
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