How to Effectively Brush and Floss Your Child’s Teeth to Prevent Cavities


Keep those pearly whites . . . well, pearly white! Knowing how to brush and floss your child’s teeth is essential to keeping cavities at bay and building strong oral care habits.. When brushing, start by using a fluoride toothpaste with a pea-sized amount, and ensure the toothbrush has soft bristles that suit your child’s age. Encourage your child to brush for two minutes, covering all surfaces of their teeth—top, bottom, and along the gum line. Use gentle, circular motions to avoid damaging gums, and make sure to brush the tongue as well. For younger children, parents should guide [...]

How to Effectively Brush and Floss Your Child’s Teeth to Prevent Cavities2025-02-07T13:17:57-06:00

Winter’s Effect on Your Smile


As I type, my body responds instinctively to the cold, unforgiving Midwest winter.  My jaw clenches; my arms shivers. Don’t be fooled. I am indoors, working in a heated environment.  And yet, I can not rid myself of the chill that permeates all over. It seems, even my teeth are cold. Wait a second. Is that a thing? Can the weather affect teeth? Absolutely. Think of it this way: if you put a water bottle in a freezer, it contracts and expands. Similarly, when exposed to cold temperatures, your teeth contract and expand too. This can irritate or inflame [...]

Winter’s Effect on Your Smile2025-01-10T14:36:37-06:00

Resolutions to Boost Your Oral Health in 2025


This time of year, many of us find ourselves reflecting on the year behind and setting some goals for the year ahead. More often than not, those goals include improvements in health, so why not add some resolutions to improve oral health too? Perhaps that looks like hydrating more regularly, quitting smoking, cutting back on sugar intake, flossing consistently, brushing intentionally, scheduling appointments frequently or reducing the consumption of acidic drinks. Progress is progress, so even small steps towards your goals is success. Be patient with yourself, and most importantly, be consistent; most research hypothesizes it takes 2 months [...]

Resolutions to Boost Your Oral Health in 20252024-12-27T09:49:23-06:00

Last-Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Better Oral Health


Are you ever scrambling to find last minute items to fill the stocking? Trying to fill it with fun but practical gifts? If so, here are some dental suggestions that will promote good oral health but won’t break the bank.   An electric toothbrush Flavored dental flosses Animal design oral picks Mouth wash A tongue scraper A toothpaste clamp  Sugar free gum Toothpaste dispenser Whitening products A travel kit for oral health Sometimes the greatest gift we can give our loved ones is the gift of good health! If, in some small way, we can encourage healthy habits for others, [...]

Last-Minute Stocking Stuffer Ideas for Better Oral Health2024-12-10T15:30:29-06:00

7 Tips to Enjoy the Holidays While Protecting Your Smile


Is it possible to both indulge in the holiday season and keep your teeth healthy? Absolutely. Everything in moderation, right? Here are some practical tips for choosing the best treats to enjoy. Avoid desserts and drinks that may stain your teeth like red wine, berries and specialty hot chocolates. If you don’t want to abstain, at least drink water in between to help wash away unwanted bacteria and sip your drinks with a straw to avoid direct contact with your teeth. Limit sugary snacks and find some veggies, fruits and cheeses to munch on at holiday parties. Steer clear [...]

7 Tips to Enjoy the Holidays While Protecting Your Smile2024-12-02T10:19:53-06:00

Tooth-Friendly Tricks for Halloween Treats


Remember, as a kid, when you would avoid a certain house, trick or treating, because you knew you’d leave with raisins or an apple or something “healthy” when you were just looking for another Twix to add to your bucket? Parents are stocking up on sweet treats, as they anticipate lots of excited, costumed kids for Halloween. Dentists are all for having fun and enjoying some sugar, but we wouldn’t be doing our dental duty without imparting important Halloween tips for keeping teeth in optimal condition. In no particular order… Limit the number of sweets(maybe a 3 candy limit [...]

Tooth-Friendly Tricks for Halloween Treats2024-10-28T15:34:20-05:00

Understanding Root Canals: A Guide to Saving Your Tooth


On regularly scheduled dental visits, most of us can get in and out, in under an hour, teeth glistening, breath smelling minty fresh, a clean sheet, free of cavities and plaque.  But occasionally, a mouth x-ray can reveal more serious issues, causing a follow up visit or a more intense fix to be necessary.  What, exactly, is the most complicated dental procedure for most dentists (and patients)?  Most dentists would say it is the “beloved” root canal. A root canal is often discussed when a patient complains of severe tooth pain, most notably, while they are eating.  In this [...]

Understanding Root Canals: A Guide to Saving Your Tooth2024-10-11T15:18:43-05:00

AI and Dentistry


While the advance in AI (Artificial Intelligence) may make English teachers around the world cringe, it is simultaneously working to improve and simplify the way modern medicine is approached, dentistry included. The algorithms and patterns provided by AI data can help with accuracy in a diagnosis, improving patient results. AI’s precision allows scans and images to be analyzed with more exactness than the human eye can observe. Ultimately, this leads to detecting harmful conditions like cancer, cavities, and gum complications earlier, saving patients from more invasive treatments in the long run. Dentists can utilize the positive impacts of AI [...]

AI and Dentistry2024-09-13T08:39:26-05:00

A Guide to Cosmetic Dentistry


Do you ever see celebrities on the red carpet and wonder, “How in the world do they get such perfect, white teeth?”  Well, we know the first answer to the question: MONEY. But what if the answer could be simpler (and cheaper) than that? Because cosmetic dentistry has grown in its popularity and accessibility, most people can obtain the smile of their dreams without going bankrupt. It’s likely that what you see on TV or in the magazines is thanks, in part, to a few dental options, starting with veneers. They are typically thin, porcelain shell-like covers that go [...]

A Guide to Cosmetic Dentistry2024-07-25T09:24:09-05:00

The Purpose of Our Teeth


We tend to take for granted the functions of our body that help us function in the little and big things. We don't think about eating. We just do it. We don't think about talking. We just do it. We don't think about chewing and swallowing. We just do it. Learning a bit more about the anatomy of the mouth may make you appreciate what such a seemingly small part of the body does to help you get through each day. The mouth is made up of 2 distinct parts: the vestibule, the part between your lips and teeth [...]

The Purpose of Our Teeth2024-07-11T14:54:26-05:00
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