A sad epidemic, wildly rampant (but often kept quiet) is the issue of eating disorders. Although sufferers often hide in silence, the mouth reveals clear signs of this health altering disease. In fact, many parents have discovered their teenager’s crisis after taking them for a routine dental visit, because dentists can clearly see the effects on oral health. According to the Institute of Dental Research, 28% of Bulimia cases are first diagnosed during a dental exam. For one thing, the lack of nutrients absorbed by a person can lead to weakened teeth as well as tooth sensitivity, bad breath and decay. Those who suffer from bulimia often show signs of tooth enamel erosion due to the acid levels involved in persistent vomiting. Caring loved ones, professionals and friends can support a person suffering from an eating disorder and gently point out the harmful effects of their lifestyle. The earlier a problem is detected, the more quickly a successful recovery plan can be implemented. A confidential relationship between the dentist and client can always be ensured. The patient should always feel safe at the office, knowing they can share their setbacks and progress towards better oral health. Recovery is possible, and we want to help.