

Our Dentist Office Cleaning Standards

If you are disgusted by the thought of germs or bacteria filled mouths, going to the dentist might be a trip to dread. It’s a fair concern, so let’s address those lingering fears. Rest assured, instruments and equipment must undergo rigorous sterilization procedures. In fact, some dental tools are for single use only and get tossed after one procedure. For the non-disposable items like mouth mirrors, drills, forceps and scalers, special machines called auto claves(steam […]

The Genius Behind Floss

Most of us have never been more grateful for dental floss than after a family BBQ that involves corn on the cob. Who was the genius that thought it was a good idea to stick a piece of wax between teeth to dislodge trapped food?

Believably, humans have been using tools and strings and fingernails, surely, to get rid of unwanted food in their teeth for hundreds of years. But thank goodness for Levi Parmly, who […]

The Risk of Energy and Sports Drinks

Many adolescents rely on the energy and caffeine boost they receive when drinking sports drinks. Kids walk into schools each morning chugging Celsius, Monster, Red Bull, Bang and Rockstar in an effort to stay attentive in class; interns sip on 5 Hour Energy cans to meet deadlines, and athletes guzzle energy fuel to help enhance their performance. But are they really a “healthier” option, as they are advertised?

Not exactly. The two major ingredients found in […]

Which Type of Mouth Guard Should I Get?

Mouth guards aren’t simply for teeth grinders. They are helpful for preventing sport injuries and they can even reduce snoring and help sufferers of sleep apnea.
Stock mouth guards are most used for sports. They cover the top teeth and can be purchased at local drug stores or a sporting goods store. If you’re involved in an activity that includes a risk of falling or contact with any part of the face and mouth, the mouth […]

Tooth Fairy Tales

Being the tooth fairy is no small feat. You must be sneaky, snatching teeth from under pillows and replacing the object with treats. Depending on how often kids lose teeth, this could amount to 20 visits from the magical creature. And thanks to inflation, in all areas, according to a recent Delta Dental poll, the average hand out these days is $3.91 per tooth. Recently, Reader’s Digest shared some funny tooth fairy moments with its […]

Behind The Scenes of The Dental Office

Who’s the glue that holds it altogether in your office? Or your household? The one that works tirelessly behind the scenes to keep things going? In a dental office, this person is the dental assistant or hygienist.

Their job can involve all sorts of tasks. Their primary responsibility is to make you feel comfortable and to communicate, effectively, with the dentist. But their work goes beyond what you see. They are tasked with the responsibility to […]

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