Wisdom Teeth: The Problem Child


What’s the deal with wisdom teeth? They seem like more of a nuisance than anything… This third set of molars usually starts to form between the ages of 17-21, thus named wisdom teeth, since they come in last and according to the saying, “with age comes wisdom”. I think I’d question the wisdom of most 17-21 year olds, to be honest, but that’s another topic for another time. It’s surprising to discover that ALL the teeth a person will have in their lifetime are already formed by birth; they hang out in the upper part of the skeleton until [...]

Wisdom Teeth: The Problem Child2021-10-15T09:20:34-05:00

What to Expect with a Mouth or Lip Piercing


Perhaps you will want to put that bucket list dream of having a lip ring on the back burner after hearing a little more about how it affects your mouth. Though piercings are a great way for people to express their personal style, the choice often comes with a cost. For starters, lip rings and tongue piercings are typically made out of metal. As you can imagine, the jewelry can knock against your teeth, chipping or fracturing them. Metal in the mouth can wear down enamel over time, creating greater tooth sensitivity as well as decay and discoloration. Tongue rings can actually damage [...]

What to Expect with a Mouth or Lip Piercing2021-09-30T15:41:25-05:00

How Eating Disorders Affect Your Teeth


A sad epidemic, wildly rampant (but often kept quiet) is the issue of eating disorders. Although sufferers often hide in silence, the mouth reveals clear signs of this health altering disease. In fact, many parents have discovered their teenager’s crisis after taking them for a routine dental visit, because dentists can clearly see the effects on oral health. According to the Institute of Dental Research, 28% of Bulimia cases are first diagnosed during a dental exam. For one thing, the lack of nutrients absorbed by a person can lead to weakened teeth as well as tooth sensitivity, bad breath and decay. Those who suffer from [...]

How Eating Disorders Affect Your Teeth2021-09-16T15:34:36-05:00

Nothing Can Hide from Our Intraoral Cameras


Our world is ever evolving and modern technological advancements in the dental world are important. We want to provide patients with the best service possible. One way we can do this is with our sophisticated intraoral camera. This small, non-invasive camera is usually shaped like a small wand (about the size of a toothbrush). Gone are the days of holding your mouth open for far too long in precarious positions, being asked questions you can’t answer and hoping the hygienist will hurry up and snap a pic. Instead, the intraoral camera takes quick, clear, digital pictures of the inside [...]

Nothing Can Hide from Our Intraoral Cameras2021-09-02T10:59:40-05:00

How a Routine Checkup Saved Tim’s Life


Crazy as it may sound, there is actually a chance that your routine dental exam could save your life! The mouth is a gateway to so many other underlying medical issues that a thorough check by your friendly dentist could reveal much greater dangers lurking in the body. Take, Tim Tooth, for example(don’t be fooled; that’s not his real name). Tim was a 60 year old male that came in for his 6 month dental check up. The examination revealed that he had some sort of ulcer on his lip that would not heal. Tim shared that he had noticed the spot for [...]

How a Routine Checkup Saved Tim’s Life2021-08-24T12:18:38-05:00

Energy Drinks vs. Soda


Energy and sports drinks are extremely popular amongst teenagers and young adults, especially. Students gulp down Monsters to stay attentive in class, interns sip on 5 Hour Energy cans in order to meet deadlines, and athletes guzzle Red Bull and Gatorade to help enhance their performance. But are they really a “healthier” option? The two major ingredients found in energy and sports drinks are caffeine and sugar. Surprisingly, they contain 4-8 teaspoons of sugar (about half of what’s found in a can of Coke). The residue left on enamel after drinking is converted into acid. Acid is what eats [...]

Energy Drinks vs. Soda2021-07-29T11:40:10-05:00

Kids Dentist Columbus Ohio


It’s hard to believe that nearly half of summer has come and gone.  It won’t be long before back to school advertisements will bombard our screens and the pressure to gather supplies and purchase the latest shoe trends will consume a parent’s thoughts…and wallets. Many families navigated the challenges of remote learning and all sorts of unusual circumstances last year; thus, it’s reported that approximately 1/3 of regular patients chose to put off annual doctor and dental visits due to the uncertainty of COVID.  So, perhaps now more than ever, a check up for your kid before school starts, [...]

Kids Dentist Columbus Ohio2021-07-15T13:16:00-05:00

Goodbye Coffee Stains | Teeth Whitening Columbus


Have you ever glanced in the mirror and been shocked at the state of your not-so-white teeth? Do your teeth have an unattractive yellowish hue that makes you feel self- conscious? But maybe, like me, you are also ready to fiercely battle anyone that tries to tell you to get rid of your coffee or pop addiction, which can contribute to that tint. Fear not. You can still indulge a bit and work to reinstate your pearly whites. Also, it may surprise you to know that yellow teeth are not necessarily a sign of poor dental hygiene, so rest [...]

Goodbye Coffee Stains | Teeth Whitening Columbus2021-06-22T11:09:34-05:00

Clean and Safe Dental Office | Our Sanitization Standards


No doubt, dentists get asked all sorts of interesting questions when their patients are in the chair, but nothing takes the cake quite like this one: “Do you actually clean your dental instruments?” Hopefully, the question implied is HOW are the instruments sterilized, not ARE they actually cleaned.  If someone has a sarcastic dentist, they may get a response like, “I only sterilize for patients that I like,” or “I try to sterilize at least once a week.” But obviously, it’s a fair question for a person to ask because dental safety and hygiene is extremely important.  So, despite [...]

Clean and Safe Dental Office | Our Sanitization Standards2021-05-31T12:44:30-05:00

How to Know if You Need a Root Canal | Columbus Root Canals


More than 25 million root canals are performed each year in the US, according to the American Association of Endodontists. That comes out to about 41,000 procedures each day.  In other words, root canals are “pretty normal” when it comes to the dental world and meeting the specific needs of a patient. A root canal is a procedure where the decay and bacteria are extracted from the tooth pulp, root and nerve.  This is followed up by disinfecting the area with antibiotics.  The empty roots will then be filled.  In order to prevent any further decay, the area is [...]

How to Know if You Need a Root Canal | Columbus Root Canals2021-05-26T13:39:51-05:00
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