Candy Corn Confections


What is the right way to eat candy corn, anyway?  Do you indulge by the handful, from the white top to the yellow bottom, or vice versa?  According to a surveyed group of 1300 adults, it was discovered that 50% of us eat the whole treat at once.  I mean, it is rather bite sized afterall. The widely known Jelly Belly Company has been rolling out loads of candy corn since 1898.  Over the years, this Halloween staple has become the #6 seller, nationwide, after Skittles, M&Ms, Snickers, Reese’s Cups, and Starburst. According to Susan Whiteside of the National Confectioners Association, [...]

Candy Corn Confections2019-11-01T17:35:27-05:00

The Daily…err, Nightly Grind


Many of us have experienced (what we thought) was a decent night of sleep, only to wake to an aching jaw, a dull, nagging headache and for some strange reason, a sore face. If you experience these symptoms and feel stumped as to the cause, there’s a good chance you are suffering from bruxism, more commonly known as teeth grinding.  Over time, this clenching action can cause sensitivity and tooth damage, so figuring out the root cause is a must. The biggest culprit for this unintentional habit… stress and anxiety (of course)!  But how can you possibly stop something [...]

The Daily…err, Nightly Grind2019-08-28T10:54:49-05:00

Best Dental Care Products for $40 or Less


As Americans, we spend $100 billion dollars a year on hair products.  In contrast, we spend $2 billion a year on dental care products.  But good hair is only noticed when paired with a good smile, right?  There are so many products on the market; it’s hard to know where to start. So, here are some of the most highly rated, well-loved products you can give a try for $40 or less: Bamboo organic natural bamboo toothbrush - this product is especially appealing to the environmentally friendly—it’s a great alternative to plastic Quip electric toothbrush - used to remove food and [...]

Best Dental Care Products for $40 or Less2019-06-13T22:19:45-05:00

Dentists Then & Now (Be Glad You’re In This Century)


In the 1800s, people often went to their local barber to consult him about tooth pain. Dentists were few and far between, so the highly respected “cutter of hair” would be the chosen man to extract the tooth. Yikes.  Only the rich could afford wooden dentures (made from the teeth of the deceased) to replace a missing tooth, so most people just went without. Fast forward to today: thank goodness the dental business was eventually  recognized as a medical profession and the development of technology, tools and numbing pain came into existence.  The front lines of dentistry are now [...]

Dentists Then & Now (Be Glad You’re In This Century)2019-04-19T12:05:56-05:00

What Can Teeth Tell Us?


Researchers from the University of Bradford recently analyzed teeth from 10th century skeletons found in England.  Their conclusion:  teeth are the most reliable indicators, in the body, of the effects of diet and health.  On top of that, studying these old teeth can identify and help modern day children who may suffer from obesity, diabetes and heart disease.  How cool is that? Teeth, unlike bone, continue to grow and record high nitrogen values. This gives researchers a better overall picture of the diet and health of both a child and a mother’s health during pregnancy. Simply put-- analyzing children’s [...]

What Can Teeth Tell Us?2018-09-14T21:57:21-05:00

No Fear Needed


Jillian is 34 and hasn’t been to the dentist in over 10 years. She's embarrassed and scared of cavities and other dental issues, but her bigger fear of the dentist altogether has her frozen. Jillian is not alone. As many as 40 million Americans avoid the dentist because of fear and anxiety, says Columbia University College of Dental Medicine. But as you can imagine, unaddressed dental issues just lead to more complicated oral health problems. The news isn't all gloomy however. Even for those who are the most fearful, it IS possible to reduce fear and learn to have dental [...]

No Fear Needed2018-09-05T22:36:57-05:00

Animals Have Amazing Teeth. (And I’m Not Lion.)


Unlike humans, animals cannot brush their teeth with a toothbrush, nor maneuver flossing between their teeth.  So how do they have such amazing teeth? For starters, animals in the wild don’t have exposure to processed foods and refined sugars like humans. The food we eat sticks to our teeth and can cause damage if not brushed away regularly.  Animal teeth, on the other hand, only have to handle raw meats and plants. Let’s not forget that Coke and Pepsi aren’t on their lunch menu either; water is their only source of hydration. Plain and simple, animals are well protected [...]

Animals Have Amazing Teeth. (And I’m Not Lion.)2018-08-14T22:39:27-05:00

Super Food for Teeth!?


Perhaps an apple a day doesn’t just keep the doctor away… What if limiting sugar isn’t the only dietary decision you can make to improve your beautiful smile? What if adding specific super foods to your plate can improve the overall health of your mouth and teeth? The best foods for your teeth are those that neutralize acids, provide minerals and vitamins to repair tooth enamel, and stimulate saliva. Here are 10 easily accessible foods that can be consumed for optimum oral health: Milk Cheese Apples Oranges Yogurt Nuts Tea Dark Chocolate Water Sugarless Gum Regularly scheduled dental visits [...]

Super Food for Teeth!?2018-07-30T22:33:34-05:00

5 Tips for Teaching Kids to Brush


It’s hard enough to get kids to put their clothes on, let alone brush their teeth.  But believe it or not, you can make the experience manageable and even FUN (who knew?) Establishing a good dental hygiene routine begins when kids are young and when parents have the opportunity to encourage habits for healthy teeth.  Not only did your parents want you to have fresh breath, but more importantly, they wanted to make sure your teeth and gums were well taken care.  If you don’t learn how to take care of your teeth when you are young, poor dental [...]

5 Tips for Teaching Kids to Brush2018-07-16T22:07:05-05:00

Never Going To The Dentist Is Like…


There are three main reasons people avoid the dentist. 1. They are terrified to see if they’re housing a mouthful of cavities since their last visit. 2. It’s just one more annoying thing to think about and schedule. 3. Money. It costs money. These are all based on one thing – fear. Fear of health risks, fear of time, and fear of money. And sometimes it takes a little parental pep-talk to remind people that going to the dentist is important! We’re here to pep. Here are some comparisons about what it’s like not going to the dentist to [...]

Never Going To The Dentist Is Like…2018-06-30T13:10:09-05:00
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