Are Bottles & Binkies Bad News?


Like most things, the answer to this question isn't black and white.   Bottles:  It isn’t the bottle, in and of itself, that is the problem!  It’s what is PUT in the bottle(juice versus water or milk) as well as how long a child is left with a bottle to drink.  Using bottles for nutrition is absolutely okay, but once nutrients are consumed, the bottle should be taken away so excessive sucking isn’t a temptation for the little one.  Prolonged use can cause misaligned teeth and jaws. Pacifiers:  Pacifiers are also okay, for a certain amount of time.  The longer [...]

Are Bottles & Binkies Bad News?2022-04-11T17:04:53-05:00

Signs You May Need a Crown


Who can’t appreciate a good, dental meme?  But seriously…how do you know if you need a crown(of the dental variety)?  A dental crown is simply a cap that covers your current tooth.  It can improve the shape, function and look of the tooth in precarious dental situations. Signs that you may need a crown: If you have a broken, fractured or chipped tooth—a crown is usually your best chance at restoring your tooth to its former glory. If you have had too many cavities for a tooth to withstand—the strength of a tooth is compromised if the same tooth [...]

Signs You May Need a Crown2022-04-03T21:08:40-05:00

David’s Incredible Story


A routine dental visit COULD save your life.  Don’t believe it?  Read the story of David, a 26 year old who never imagined that a check-up with the dentist would spare him from death. In the fall of 2018, David was working towards his Master’s Degree, juggling a full time job and planning a wedding with his girlfriend of 4 years. While brushing his teeth one morning, David noticed some strange spots developing on the bottom of his tongue. He dismissed the spots, because they weren’t causing him pain, and he figured they would fade overnight. His routine dental [...]

David’s Incredible Story2022-03-24T15:22:00-05:00

Dental Myths Debunked


Like any health-related topic, there are certain misconceptions about oral health and what is or is not important.  Let’s dissect a few of the most common myths swirling about the mouth: Common Dental Myths “Diet sodas are okay to drink.” In fact, even sugar substitutes can cause major damage to the enamel. “Flossing creates spaces between teeth.”  No need to worry about this one.  Floss will not widen a gap between teeth. “Brushing harder works better.” Brushing too hard can actually damage enamel and that is irreversible. “If you have no oral concerns, you don’t need to schedule an [...]

Dental Myths Debunked2022-02-25T07:47:01-06:00

Good Habits Start Young


In February of 1949, Children’s National Dental Health Day was first created to encourage healthy oral habits for children.  Fast forward 31 years later, to 1981, and February was deemed a month-long celebration to focus on dental health for kids.  One might almost think this was a purposeful move made during a month where a lot of Valentine candy is consumed. Hmm. Educational programs and prevention awareness is the best way to help parents and caregivers navigate oral health with their children.  After all, good habits start young, and getting kids to brush and floss regularly often feels like [...]

Good Habits Start Young2022-02-10T12:52:26-06:00

Rising Covid & Flu Cases


With the ever-changing status of Covid variants and the number of people affected, many of us worry about catching viruses in spaces with high levels of bacteria. Be assured, in our office, we are adhering to all the regulations implemented in the dental industry. Your overall health is our top priority. That being said, if you are able to make it to our office safely, keeping up with your dental care is a crucial part of staying healthy. Sometimes it helps to know exactly what measurements are being taken to ensure a patient’s well-being.  Here are some of the precautions [...]

Rising Covid & Flu Cases2022-01-11T14:48:03-06:00

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, My Dentist Gave to Me


On the first day of Christmas, my dentist gave to me:  One travel tooth cleaning kit for he and she On the second day of Christmas, my dentist gave to me: Two pies and cookies that are sugar free On the third day of Christmas, my dentist gave to me: Three stockings filled with toothbrushes instead of candy On the fourth day of Christmas, my dentist gave to me: Four cups of soda, just kidding, but rather tea On the fifth day of Christmas, my dentist gave to me: Five baskets of whole foods, fruits, and veggies On the [...]

On the Twelfth Day of Christmas, My Dentist Gave to Me2021-12-10T08:25:45-06:00

What Are Those Tools, Anyway?


Ever wonder what all those tools are, exactly, as you stare at the dental tray? Wait. That’s going in my mouth? Here’s a more in depth look at those gadgets and their jobs: A sickle probe The fancy name for the metal stick with a curve on the end that most of us associate with the dentist. It helps identify problems like cavities and scrapes away tartar and plaque. A scaler and curettes More long, sharp metal instruments that take care of thicker buildup trapped in tiny pockets between teeth. Suction device Yes, this is the REAL name for [...]

What Are Those Tools, Anyway?2021-12-02T09:34:03-06:00

Dental Myth-Busters


Sometimes our fears dominate our decision making. And sometimes, those decisions are based on things we have heard, not necessarily facts. So why not dig a little deeper and debunk some swirling common myths about the dentist and your oral health? Here goes: 1) Myth: Pregnant women should avoid seeing the dentist. Busted: Due to all the hormonal changes a woman goes through during pregnancy, pregnant women have an increased chance of dealing with gingivitis and cavities! It’s perfectly safe to have a x ray, anesthesia free appointment. 2) Myth: Baby teeth don’t matter, because they come out at some point anyways! Busted: [...]

Dental Myth-Busters2021-11-11T13:43:22-06:00

Your Dentist Passes Out Candy Too


Sometimes, in life, we are perplexed by an extremely important question…do dentists hand out candy on Halloween?  The answer to this question may surprise you. Surveys say that as many as 76% of dentists openly admit to handing out candy on Halloween. I get it; what dentist wants to spoil the once-a-year fun. Afterall, dentists are human, and most of them have a sweet tooth, just like the rest of us. In a recent interview done with dentists in regards to their feelings about Halloween, here were some of their candid responses: "I give out Halloween candy!" Dr. Naini [...]

Your Dentist Passes Out Candy Too2021-10-29T09:28:11-05:00
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